How to Add Value to Your Business Card

Are you fed up with ordinary business cards that remain the same for a long time?

Forget about it. You can make usual business cards look very specific without spending any money. There is no doubt that people expect somebody who is serious about his business to have a business card, you do not have enough money to allow this multipurpose and convenient marketing means to fade away in the drawers of your desk.

Here are presented three ways to turn a common business card into a very specific one.:

  • When you give somebody your business card, do it with both hands. In case you want to give your card, make it a presentation. Hold the business card in such a way that the text faced the recipient, and then gradually, cautiously, hive him the card. You should produce an impression that your business card comprises very precious information and you wouldn’t present it to anybody. Hold it as if it was a very valuable thing and the receiver will certainly observe this.
  • Make an opening in your business card. Use an ordinary hole punch and set a hole somewhere on your business card. It is very queer and people will ask about it. This gives a great opportunity to present more information on your services or products. A window washer can say: “This opening allows to see through the card with no trouble, doesn’t it? You will be able to see just as easily through your windows as well.” If you have a dating service, the opening might embody the purposelessness people feel when not in love. In case you sell insurance, the opening might exemplify the lack of coverage the company may definitely feel. If you deal with weight loss products, the gap may signify the “empty stomach” feeling you are on conventional diets.

  • Write on your business card. Anything you do to make your card more personalized boosts its value and makes it more possible to be kept. You may just write your name or even the product name you propose. You may write “5% discount” on the card and sign it, telling that person to take it into your store. In some cases you can even note down your private information, such as your phone number that let the receiver feel exceptional. Ask the help from professionals like IndustriDesignsNYC, you can visit to learn more about the company and what printing services they offer.

One more way to make your card more valuable is rather expensive, but provides you with great returns on just-the-once investment. This is the acquisition of an expensive and exclusive business card holder or case. It is better to find the one with two sections to be able to separate cards you receive. You may greatly amaze a potential customer by spending time to look at his business card prior to putting it into your case. The care with which you handle that card subconsciously compares with the care with which you will run their business.

Keep in mind that designing a card, which people preserve is only somewhat about the card—it’s about you as well. If you are imaginative and caring presenting your card, you will obviously identified as somebody being imaginative and caring in running business as well. And nobody will throw away the card of such a precious contact.