Riding Electric Bikes and Scooters

Electric scooters have become very popular in recent times. Whether we have the rising fuel prices to blame or the increased penchant of people to get some form of exercise at the least, electric scooters sure have more reasons for popularity than what is apparent.

Electric scooters have everything in common with a normal bicycle with the only difference being in the electric motor which is fitted in the former. The electric motor is not the same as one found in motorscooters. The motor used in electric scooters is meant for assisted power or add on power. Pedaling is still the foremost mode of riding electric scooters.

Those who have ridden electric scooters would know the pleasure of it. With e-scooter one does not need to put as much of an effort as is required by a normal cycle which makes it conveniently easy for people from various age groups. Even if one is not in his fittest days, riding electric scooters is not difficult.

Electric scooters work wonders for long trips. They are not as light as normal scooters with some electric scooters weighing between 24 to 30 Kg. This makes them strong enough to be ridden on cross country trips or even in the metro areas. Furthermore, normal cycling can become very daunting if you were to embark on a long journey but with the electric motor offering anywhere between 200 watts to 750 watts of power (depending on the type of motor you choose), riding electric scooters is similar to riding a bike at half of its normal speed and without any fuel.

The void of noise and its environment friendliness make electric scooters a darling of even the most concerned environmentalist. Very little maintenance and almost no recurring cost barring the once in a while (likely a month) charging of the battery add more zing to the experience of owning electric scooters.

Electric scooters can get adventurous as well. Most models can be folded and mounted on top of a car if you are heading to a trekking trip. Once you are camped, the electric scooters can roll out and you can explore the wonders at ease.