Why you need a unique real estate website

Search engines don’t like boilerplate information any more than a home buyer or seller wants a boilerplate real estate agent.

One of the keys to search engine success is so simple it’s almost embarrassing for someone like me who earns a living giving web marketing advice. One of the most important keys to search engine success is uniqueness. You are unique. Make sure your site reflects that. With today’s technology and high quality WordPress real estate templates such as the Agent Elite theme it has never been easier to develop your own unique real estate website. You can read a complete Agent Elite review on https://www.themadeinamericamovement.com/agent-elite/.

When search engines find cloned information out there in the vast web universe, they discount it and put it on the bargain shelf. It’s not considered as relevant for search results as unique content.

In fact, if there is too much cloned content on your site, it can actually hurt you in the search engine rankings, because Google’s algorithms can detect copycat content.

If there are 10,000 copies of identical boilerplate articles floating around on the web, one for each of the 10,000 customers of some big website factory, why would Google pick one over another to show in its search results?

Google’s algorithms are designed to look for the most unique, the most relevant, and the most useful information that matches the search criteria of the searcher. Sorry folks, that is just not going to be that really cool set of boilerplate articles that came with your boilerplate website.

Search engines don’t like clones, and (ironically enough), neither do humans.

Write unique content. It’s not as hard as it might seem to become a good enough writer to produce strong search engine results. You don’t have to start off as a polished writer. Don’t let your fear of the blank page scare you into never giving it a shot.

If you are serious about successfully competing online for real estate clients, I would say that writing is an essential skill.